The lawmakers of the Bharatiya Janta Party rode off yesterday morning on two-wheelers for the party’s Tiranga Yatra , at the Ranbir Singh Pura Assembly Constituency. Member of Parliament from Jammu-Poonch Parliamentary Constituency Jugal Kishore Sharma who is leading the Tiranga Yatra in the Jammu Province was welcomed by M.L.A from R.S Pura Dr.Gagan Bhagat at Indira nagar where the assembly segment of R.S Pura starts. The “Tiranga Yatra” is a massive week-long people contact programme which is envisaged by Prime Minister Narendra Modi .The Chief of the Bharatiya Janta Party Amit Shah flagged off the Yatra from party headquarters in Delhi few days ago. It was the Prime Minister who had briefed the lawmakers extensively on the Tiranga yatra he also advised to wear helmets and carry long flags while taking out the yatra.The big entry on the don’t list were cars.”The idea is to strike a chord with the common people. That can’t be done driving in cars, as the motor cycle symbolizes the aam aadmi,” M.L.A from R.S Pura Dr.Gagan Bhagat told the Media persons at Miran Sahib. The Tiranga Yatras will be held from August 15 to 23 all around the country he added. Besides, Legislators, Parliamentarians, ministers are expected to visit more than hundred places associated with the freedom struggle and women ministers will visit the J&K borders to tie rakhis on soldiers deployed there. The yatra started at Indiranagar and passing through Brijnagar,Kharian, Premnagar, Shiv Nagar, Miran Sahib main bazaar, Malikpur, Talli Morh, Link Road Simbal Camp, Dhindey Kalan, Kullian ,Kotli Shah Doula, Baggamarh, Gagian, R.S Pura Main Baazar ,Puran Pind,Bus Stand and ended at Daljeet chowk R.S Pura, where M.P Jugal Kishore Sharma and M.L.A R.S Pura Dr.Gagan Bhagat addressed the gathering and told the people about the great sacrifices of the freedom fighters and other people for the country, he appealed the people to strengthen the hands of the Prime Minister Narender Modi who is working day and night for the country. The Tiranga Yatra at R.S Pura got massive response especially from the youths in particular, and the youth presidents of the party from Miran Sahib and R.S Pura Mandals and specially Mandal Pradhan from R.S Pura and Miran Sahib and Party Morchas on the directions of M.L.A R.S Pura have worked hard for the rally which was quite visible as the rally was the biggest ever motor bike rally held ever in the R.S Pura by any political group, Dr.Gagan Bhagat thanked the participants of the rally and all the other workers and office bearers of the party, he also appealed to continue the Tiranga Yatra as per the plan till 23rd August , in this context the Mahila Morcha from R.S Pura Assembly segment will also visit the Border and tie the Raksha Bands on the wrists of the soldiers who are guarding the borders. Later on Jugal Kishore Sharma , Dr.Gagan Bhagat paid tributes to the Martyrs Shaheed Daljeet Singh and Shaheed Devendra Sharma Dr.Narinder Singh, Yudhveer Sethi, Karan Bhagat, Vikram Randhava, Harbhajan Pammi,Brijesh Rana,Natharam,Deverdra Sharma,Ramesh Kumar, Bishan Dass,Gurdeep Saini,Kundan Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, Akash Chopra, Hardev Singh.
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