J&K State BJP Spokesperson Prof. Virender Gupta in a statement asked the J&K Government to constitute a Special Investigating Team (SIT) to probe into the assets, both moveable and unmoveable, acquired by the ex-ministers and MLAs and their respective families of Congress, National Conference and JKNPP parties, disproportionate to their sources of Income. The SIT should also investigate into the assets of bureaucreats and other administrative functionaries. This step is essential to introduce transparency in the political system, make it corruption free and to provide deterrent to the present MLAs and Minister and others who shall follow them in the subsequent elections in the future.
He further said that it is obligatory on the part of present incumbments to declare their moveable and unmoveable assets in public to build confidence of the people in their credibility and ensure the public about their efforts for cleaning the political and administrative system of the state.
He said that in the last about 70 years, all the political leaders, bureaucrats and other government functionaries, with a few exceptions, looted the state exchequer and drained out the money allocated for various development works and as result, in spite of enormous financial assistance (much more other states) received by the state government from Government of India, the Jammu and Kashmir state remained developed under as compared to other neighboring states, likes Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab.
He further added that if the state is to progress in line with other developed states the psyche and working culture of the people of J&K need to be changed. Those at the helm of affairs and those who hold responsible positions must have to dedicate themselves to the national as well as that of the state cause without giving preference to their self interests.
Prof. Virender also appealed to the vigilance organization and State Accountable Commission to speed up the matters of corruption and financial irregularities which are under consideration.