While the India army has been receiving applauds and appreciations from the nationalist people across the state of Jammu & Kashmir, a handful of people in valley have unleashed a false propaganda against it and projecting the same as the perception of the entire population. This was stated by BJP State Secretary & Prabhari Jammu Rural Aseem Gupta.
While dismissing the charges of MLA Langate Er. Rashid that “Kashmiris see army as an occupation force” and that Maharaja was forced to sign “Instrument of Accession”, Aseem said that whatever this single leader party chief has said is not true and just an attempt to mislead the people of the state, Kashmir in particular. He said that the India army, right from 1947, when it landed in Kashmir after J&K became legal and constitutional part of Union of India, it has been here to maintain vigil on borders as well as come to the rescue of the civil population in times of floods, earthquakes and help the administration in maintaining law and order during riots and tensions.
Aseem reminded Er. Rashid that it is, infact, the leader like him and a handful of separatists, who should retrospect and recognize the splendid contribution and supreme sacrifices of the brave soldiers of the Indian army while performing their duties in Jammu & Kashmir.
The extent of the cheap politics being played by Er. Rashid can also be well judged from the fact that it was the Indian army men, who during 2014 floods in Kashmir, came to the rescue of the people when the so-called leaders of separatist organisations had to take refuge on the shoulders of these jawans to survive the natural calamity.
Aseem Gupta advised Er. Rashid and others to adopt a human approach, think in a human way and indulge in the politics which suits the good human beings rather than making baseless allegations and claims.