Under the banner of BJP’ Jansampark yatra ” Mandal Bhadarwah organised a meeting of party workers at village Basti of Nalthi Panchyat. The meeting was presided over by Shri Kunj Lal Manhas. Party workers from across the Panchyat participated in the meeting. While addressing the party workers Mandal President Ramneek Manhas and District Kissan Morcha President Rajsingh Charak called upon them to work for peace so that Modi Ji’s agenda of SAB KA SATH – SAB KA VIKAS could be accomplished. Prominent among the participants include Bhaanu pratap distt. Secretary Kisan Morcha, Jaswant Manhas, Omkar Singh, Ashwani Kumar, Ramparshad, Rakesh Kumar, Mangat Ram and others.
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