BJP Mandal Bhadarwah celebrated “Digi-Dhan” festival. Various party Karikatras from across the Mandal attended the meeting. Though full fledged inferstructure is not available in this far-flung Mandal the pros and cons of cashless transaction were discussed. The Mandal president exhorted upon party workers to understand the cashless transaction system and then educate common masses about it. He claimed that the cashless mode of transaction will bring reveloution in national economy and social system as this will curb corruption and other evils like dowery and dumping of cruency notes. Others who spoke on the occasion include State Executive Committee member Koushal Kotwal, District working committee member Koushal Manhas, City President Raju Charak, Mandal Vice President Davinder Singh. BJYM General Secretary Vaneet Manhas and Prominent participants include S. Kartar Singh Vice President, Secretary Sanjay Charak, Hansraj Manhas, Mahilla Morcha President Satya Manhas, Minority Morcha President Mohd. Ameen Mir, Pooja Sharma, Munish Kumar, Pinky Sharma, Chandler Kotwal and Vishal Sharma.
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