Bharatiya Janata Party State Training Department meet held here under the leadership of its Incharge Kr. Rajeev Charak at BJP Headquarters Trikuta Nagar Jammu. During the meet, there is a vast discussion on future works to be taken by state training department and for the same, work is delegated among office bearers. Kr. Rajeev Charak while discussing said that as per direction from centre BJP, we have to organize training camps across the state independently for BJP Parental body, every morchas, cells, social media, media, office secretary, treasurer, cooperatives and other sections of party. Charak added that this time we have to organize two special training camps independently, one includes all MP’s, MLA’s, MLC’s, & other elected representatives and the other includes their private secretaries. Kr. Rajeev Charak said that we have to complete all these training camps before 15th November, 2017. Charak nominates Ajay Pargal as Co-Incharge, State BJP Training Department J&K and while delegating the works among office bearers, Charak has given the responsibility of training camp of Private Secretaries of all elected members of party to Subash Bhagat – co incharge training department & Prithvi Singh, responsibility of Treasurer & ST Morcha training camp to Ajay Pargal, Social Media Training Camp to Ishant Gupta, SC Morcha training camp to Subash Bhagat, Media Training Camp to Rahul Sharma, Yuva Morcha training camp to Jag Dev Singh, Muslim Morcha training camp to TN Bhat, Kissan Morcha training camp to Prithvi Singh, office secretary & Mahilla Morcha training camp to Monika Khosla. Charak further nominates office bearers for those districts where training camps have not yet been organized and in connection to this Basohli district is assigned to Subash Bhagat, Kishtwar to Gajay Singh & Kamaljeet Singh, Jammu Gameen to Ambedker Gupta. Rajeev Charak said that Training Camp of all elected representatives & Kashmir districts will look after by himself and he further added that, all the district training camps are for 2 days and rest were one day workshop. Charak also added that the training camps consists all respective office bearers from state level to booth level. Prominent who present were Subash Bhagat, Ajay Pargal, Ishant Gupta, Ambedker Gupta, Rahul Sharma, Prithvi Singh, Monika Khosla, JD Singh, TN Bhat, Kamaljeet Singh and others.
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