Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) State Vice-President, Moti Kaul has arrived here for a three-day tour to organize campaign to promote ‘Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan’, in Kashmir. Kaul while interacting with party workers and leaders urged them to gear up for the Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan- which means village emergence and development to Bharat emergence and development, which is being conducted across the country and begun with the Birth Anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on 14th April 2016, culminating on National Panchayati Raj Day on 24 April 2016. He asked them to start campaign to highlight various developmental initiatives of the central and state Governments for the welfare of people. “Panchayati Raj institutions should be made stronger and more vibrant and developmental initiatives of the present Government must reach to the last poor and strong,” Kaul said, adding, Panchayat will be a mean to deliver this on the ground. He further added that the aim of this campaign is to make nationwide efforts to strengthen Panchayati Raj and through it, boost social harmony in the villages, promote rural development and foster farmers’ welfare and livelihoods of the poor. State Media Secretary Altaf Thakur, Gen. Secretary Srinagar Arif Raja, Baramulla District President D.K Nehru and others were Present on the occasion.
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