Bharatiya Janata Party Training Department today launched its official page on facebook as at four days State Varg from 15TH September 2016 to 18TH September 2016 held at Spiritual Growth Centre Katra. Training Department BJP J&K Convener Kr. Rajeev Charak Welcomed Sh. Sat Sharma (C.A) State President BJP & MLA Jammu West, along with Sh. Jugal Kishore Sharma Member Parliament Jammu Poonch, Sh. Ashok Khajuria MLC, Sh. Ashok Koul State General Secretary (Org.) BJP, Cabinet Minister were Sh. Sham Choudhary, Ch. Abdul Ghani Kohli, Minister of State were Sh. Ajay Nanda, Smt. Priya Sethi & Sh. Sunil Sharma for launching the official page. Training Department Social Media Incharge Ishant Gupta took intiative of creating page. Speaking on the occasion, Kr. Rajeev Charak said that the department has created its official page so that the party workers and other people can get updated information from time to time. Charak added that today in this world, Social Media is the major tool for the promotion because especially young age of the society today not interested in reading newspapers, they mostly found using social applications like facebook, whatts app, twitter and that is the major reason that we have created the official page for the department to share information about the working of the party on social platform. Others prominent of Training Department who involved in the arrangements of whole varg were Co-Convener Subash Bhagat, Ajay Pargal, Parshotam Sharma, Jag Dev Singh, Ambedkar Gupta, Prithvi Singh, Dheeraj Singh, Ishant Gupta, Amit Heera, & others.
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