The Fire Brand BJP MLA Ravinder Raina along with the BJYM Leaders visited the dental college Amphalla Jammu amid the reports of that some anti national elements insulted National Flag “Tiranga” & raised anti national slogans after India lost the match against West Indies In T20 World Cup Tournament. Taking Strong Note on the incident, Raina along with Ajay Pargal, Bharat Sharma, Karan Sat Sharma, Ishant Gupta, Ajay Vaid, Rahul Sharma, Ankit Gupta, Makson Tickoo, Rohit Verma, Gourav Magotra, Naresh Sharma, Kanav Pangotra & others visited the premises of dental college and met the faculty members and students of the dental college and enquired about the incident. Principal Dr. Romesh Singh apprised the whole incident of that night when miscreants committed anti national acts, he told the MLA Raina that one Inzmam a senior student was previously rusticated but due to the political pressure from one of the minister in the previous Government he was reinstated and this time again he played the foul and committed anti national activities. Raina along with DySP Vivek Shekhar and SHO Ajay Bhatt also met with Dr. Priya and Dr. Vishwajeet the students of dental college; those waved National Flag “Tiranga” in the auditorium when Indian Team was batting. Dr. Priya Told Ravinder Raina that when Virat Kohli and MS Dhonin were playing, she waved “Tiranga” The National Flag & raised the slogan “Bharat Mata Ki Jai & Vande Matram”, meanwhile she was assaulted by senior student Inzam who snatched and dis-respected the National Flag. She further told that after this, some of her colleagues sitting with her when objected to the dis-respect of National Flag, Inzam & Some others attacked them and after that they registered the complaint to Principal. Raina also interacted with the other students of the college and asked them not to budge before the anti nationals and always work for the nation. Raina appreciated the role of Dr. Priya, Dr. Vishwajeet & others and also felicitated them. After the visit Raina talked to the senior police officers and demanded that all Pakistani Elements & supporters must be booked under sedition charges, he also took the issue of harassment to the nationalist students studying in various institutions in Kashmir where anti national elements stone pelted them and forcing them to leave the Kashmir valley. BJP MLA Ravinder Raina is likely to visit Kashmir on Sunday and he may visit NIIT Srinagar & RAC Srinagar, where Hindu students were assaulted.
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