Model Academy an old educational institution now called Model Institute of Education Research (MIER) was the venue of thread bare discussion holding ‘girl child a national asset and not a liability’. This was despite rain came in between but students with stayed hooked to the critical issue in discussion.
In natural balance is what is called Child Sex Ratio (CSR)- the ratio of girls against 1000 boys. Explaining this, S.S. Bijral IGP (Rtd), State Convener of National Project “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” (BBBP) said that this balance offset through selective births through misuse of ultrasound and others in- human methods have created a critical situation in and in 9 districts of J&K including Jammu district with fallen CSR of 831 girls against 1000 boys( 2011 census). Bijral said girl child is first and crucial role model of new born. Reiterating ‘education is to know the extent of our ignorance’, he quoted 12th century Islamic scholar Ibu Rashd aka Averroes: “we have no idea what capacities women have other than reproductive functions. For this we turn them into man’s servant to feed and raise children. This destroys whatever other quality is there in them”. Bijral saying ignoring women, the 50% of country’s population would end up country as a paralytic body, stressed the need to accept and groom girls with same spirit as we do for a boy.
Kamal Choudhary member state committee, said that mother favours the boy while father favours the girl child out of nature’s way of opposite sex attraction. He said women folk must not underestimate the importance of the girl child, the future mother as they well understand the importance of the mother not only for individual development but for the nation as a whole. He shared emotions of a father saying ‘my son is a son till he gets his wife but my daughter is my daughter for whole of my life’. He called upon the girl students to bring a change in mind set about girl child which would be great service to the society as a whole.
Seven girl students who had excelled in their 10th class board exam scoring 100% marks were awarded medals for their recognition and motivation by the state convener S.S.Bijral former IGP.
MD MIER Aditya Gupta and Principal Promod Srivastva appreciated the general awareness spread by the state committee about a national issue since launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Bhai Modi.