At village Jinder Mehlu, a program was organized by the Bhartiya Janta Party Mahila Morcha which was the part of the Nation wise program named as “Aazadi-70-Yaad karo Kurbaani” and was started on 9th of this month in the whole country which was the date on which Bharat Chodo Aandolan was started against the British rule in India, on the occasion M.L.A R.S Pura Dr.Gagan Bhagat was the chief guest. The program was started with the National Anthem and salute to the National flag ,after that cultural programs were performed by the girls hailing from villages of R.S Pura Constituency namely Jinder Mehlu, Raipur Gujran, Salehar, Rathana, Chak Aslam, Tanda, Mehlowal .While speaking on the occasion Dr.Gagan Bhagat said that we should not forget the great sacrifices that were given for the motherland by the brave soldiers, and we are proud of them that some of these sacrifices had came from the R.S Pura Constituency, he also told the party workers of the BJP Mahila Morcha to visit the houses of the people in the R.S Pura who laid their life for the country so that a message goes in a society that we are here to salute the sacrifice of our martyrs. Secondly he stressed on the policies and schemes of the Prime Minister which are made for the people residing in the rural area. Monika Sharma State secretary of the BJP Mahila Morcha and Incharge of R.S Pura also addressed the gathering and praised the young girls who performed in the cultural program yesterday, she also appealed to the parents of the girls to give time to the daughters to study and the society and country will only change if our girls are educated. She further told the media persons that tomorrow on 18th of August the Bhartiya Janta Party Mahila morcha along with Party Ministers, M.L.A’s its president ,State Office Bearers, District Office bearers and Mandal Presidents and Office bearers will visit the International border of R.S Pura and will tie the Raksha Bandhan knot to the brave soldiers who are protecting our borders. Prominent among those who were present on the occasion Natharam, Inder Sudan, Vinod Sharma, Kundan Lal, prominent persons, Numberdar, Chowkidaar and others were also present.
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