BJP Lok Sabha MP, Jugal Kishore Sharma and Rajya Sabha MP Shamsher Singh Manhas, alongwith State Vice-Presidents Bharat Bhushan and Karan Singh, State General Secretaries Dr. Narinder Singh and Harinder Gupta, chaired a meeting of the State office bearers from Jammu district, District Presidents and District General Secretaries of Jammu, Samba, R.S. Pura, Akhnoor and Jammu Rural at Trikuta Nagar office for an interaction with the party activists and take feedback about the issues confronting the common masses particularly related to supply of water, electricity and ration. The office bearers brought it into the notice of the leaders that certain government officials are not paying heed to the repeated requests from general public for the rederssal of their grievances, which is sending wrong signals.Jugal Kishore Sharma, while speaking in the meeting, said that the party as well as its ministers and MLAs are very much concerned towards the issues related to ration, water and electricity and that every effort is being made to ensure that people are not made to suffer in these days of scorching summers. He asked the party activists to be in touch with the people and take up their problems at the local level with the concerned departments.”As the temperature goes up in summer months, the requirement of the quantity of water and electricity goes up and the BJP Ministers have directed the senior officials of PHE and PDD to remain vigilant round the clock to provide respite to the people. He made it clear that no leniency will be tolerated towards the government officials who are in league with opposition parties and working with an objective to tarnish the image of the PDP-BJP alliance government. He assured that the problems related to water and electricity will be resolved within next few days.Shamsher Singh Manhas said that repeated complaints against some government officials of creating obstacles is being taken seriously and will be highlighted at the appropriate level. He said that the parties like NC, Congress and JKNPP have been only misleading and provoking the people on one pretext or the other as none of their leaders can digest the smooth functioning of the coalition, which is providing corruption free administration. The people cannot be misled by these parties, as they have tested them for decades together. “Allegations by opposition that BJP Ministers are enjoying in Srinagar, are false because the ministers are attending the assembly session and not there on picnic”, Shamsher said and added that infact majority of the leaders of opposition have fled Jammu but entire leadership of State BJP is in winter capital. Jugal Kishore Sharma and Shamsher Singh Manhas also gave the account of their visits to different areas of Jammu province to enlighten the people of the various programmes launched by Government of India and the achievement of Narendra Modi government during last two years of governance.
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