On the instructions of Speaker Kavinder Gupta, Bharatiya Janata Party Jammu District President Baldev Singh Balowria, along with his team, included Vinay Gupta, Harbans Chaudhary, Lokesh Sharma and Naveen Gupta, along with the inspect of road construction works in the Gandhi nagar assembly constituency. On this occasion, Balowria reviewed the work of the Blacktopping recently put on the road in the Nai Basti market and he expressed satisfaction over the Blacktop being examined. Talking to the shopkeepers, Balowria said that the government is working to provide better facilities to the people, but it is delaying because the government wants that whatever development is available to the people, it is sustainable and long lasting. In such a situation, people should work hard to maintain their faith in the government and strengthen the hands of the government for better development.
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