MLA Marh, Sukhnandan Choudhary on Monday kick-started development works at Chatta-Gujjran area with an estimated cost of Rs 11.50 lakh. Sukhnandan started the work of sewerage at a Government school of Chatta-Gujjran. He said this was the long pending demand of the people of the area in particular and school staff in general. Addressing the gathering, Sukhnandan said that the work will be completed in a stipulated time frame so that all the basic requirements of the public could be met in a shorter span of time. He said that people of the area should personally monitor the quality of ongoing developmental works in their respective areas so that their involvement in developmental activities can build up the force of co-operation between Government and public in order to improve the development tempo and taking it to new heights. He asked the officers present to reach people and mitigate their hardships on priority basis, without any delay. The MLA said that he was well conversant with the problems of other areas of the constituency as well and efforts were being made to fulfill each and everybody’s genuine demands. He also instructed the officials to complete the works in time to ensure that the local residents of the area should not face any kind of difficulty in the future. He said that it is his prime responsibility to strive such type of infrastructure for public so that masses of Marh constituency could get what they really deserve and for achieving such thing he is working day and night to build it a model Constituency. BDO Marh, Sarpanch, Panchs and BJP party workers were also present.
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