Under the instructions of MOS Ajay Nanda Local BJP unit Reasi along with the local residents of two villages of Padhoo and Arli, a girl inaugurates the construction of the bridge of length 30 mtrs which will join the both of villages. This process started only after the villagers submitted a memorandum to Mandal President Ajay Baru last month for the black topping of the road and the construction of bridge. Then Baru took the deportation to PWD office and were assured to start work within a month, so as promised to the residents the construction work started on its first phase. People heartily thanked the president for making the history for the two villages as they had to cross the uneven Khadd to enter the other village. People present during the inauguration were Shashi Gupta, Pt. Sham Lal, Shiv Jamwal, Govind Sharma, Bunty Kumar, Paras Ram, Kewal Krishan, Bharat Bushan, Sukhdev Singh Others.
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