Bharat Vikas Parishad celebrated its National Group Song Competition at Co-operative School (Marble Market).Six school participated in the competition and Army Public School (Kaluchak) Was the Winner. Aseem Gupta (State Sectary BJP) was the chief Guest of the Program. Aseem Gupta said we should take Nation to new heights in the Field of Education, Technology, Health services and To give every hand work. The way central Government is working and the schemes are Implemented on Ground level and The Whole world is watching us, the Day is not far away that India is Going to become the Super Power. Aseem said we should dedicately Work on Swachtaa Mission so that coming generations can get rid of many Chronic diseases and Swachta Starts from our house. Aseem said the One National song Should be sung in everyday Prayer in every school, in every house i.e. Desh Hame Deta Hai Sab Khush … Hum Bhi To Kuch Dena Sikkha, ( देश हमें देता है सबकुछ हम भी तो कुछ देना सीखें) so that every citizen should know his duties towards the country , keep our country clean, to respect our constitution, to give respect to every citizen of the country, to keep the country clean and the respect for Nation Should run in the Blood of every citizen. Aseem also said no religion is above Nation (राष्ट्र धर्म से ऊपर कोई धर्म नहीं होता). The Function started by welcome adress by PL Saraf. Smt Sunita Gupta & R K Khullar conducted the program. Special Co-operation was given by the School Principal Surinder Sharma and director of the school. Smt Santosh Gupta (Regional Director Sanskar) and smt Anita Sharma (State President) made the people aware of the Bharat vikas parishad projects going in the state.0Prizes were distributed Chief Guest Aseem Gupta and the Patrons and executive members of the Branch. The judges Smt Vijay Laxmi,Sh Kamal Gupta and Smt Suman Pal was felicitated by the Chief Guest Aseem Gupta.
Other members to grace the Function was Ashok Khajuria, Dev Raj Sharma, K K Gupta, Arun Sharma, Yuvraj, O P Gupta, Vinodi, Balbir, P N Jalla, TC Taggar, Vijay Sharma and Madhu Gupta. Vote of thanks was done by Rajesh Gupta (Vice -President) of the branch. The Function started with Vande Mastram and concluded with National Anthem.