All the District Convenors and Co-Convenors of the Cell participated in the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Incharge All Cells Sh. Varinderjeet Singh and Convenor Weavers and Artisans Cell (Bunkers) Sh. Bal Ji Koul organized this meeting to highlight the neglect of this community by the Government. Almost all the Convenors took part in the debate and put forth, pitiable conditions of Weavers and Artisans (Bunkers) in the Jammu province. The Weavers face, unavability of Raw material and difficulty in the marketing of their produce. The Government has failed to provide motivation and incentives to the Bunkers even though there are certain acts which authorize the Government to improve the living and working condition of Weavers and Artisans. The speakers emphasized that the State Government must look towards the horrible condition of Weavers and Artisans (Bunkers) of Jammu province. They are bent to organize a protest if they are not paid attention and their requirements are not fulfilled.
Among other Sh Kuldeep Bhan, Habib Joo, R.L.Chodhary, Buta Ram, Mukhtiyar Ahmed Gama, Pawan Bhat, Mohamad Amin, Manoj Kumar, Ramesh Verma, Sansar Singh, Sanjay Pandita, Veena Bakshi & others are also present in meeting.