Bharatiya Janata Party’s District President Baldev Singh Balowria meet IG Jammu S.D. Singh Jamwal and D.I.G. Ashkoor Wani and congratulated him for anti-narcotics campaign launched by the police. Balowria said that what the police has done so far with the addiction, has been good but the police needs to do better than this so that the youth who are victims of addiction in rural areas can be rescued. Balowria gave some suggestions to improve the city’s law and order and improved the traffic system in the city. Balowria told the officials that the first stairs of crime are intoxicants and the youth who are in the process of getting drunk, are sticking to the bogey of crime to meet the needs of their addiction. Therefore, with police suppressing crime, it is necessary to bring this future younger generation also on the right path for which they need comprehensive counseling which the police is doing but also to take some more steps to bring better results needed. Balowria said that the Bharatiya Janata Party Jammu District unit is standing on the shoulder with the police on every step and is ready to give it a cent percent as the drug addicts Jammu city and Jammu district and the entire state together with the police as well as the BJP it is also a priority. Police officials assured to look into the suggestions given by them. Others who’s accompanied Vinay Gupta, Harbans Choudhary, d.s Sambyal & Sandeep Chib.
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