Baldev Singh Billawaria District President Bharatiya Janata Party Jammu conducted a tour of Kunjwani, Gangyal, Dashmesh Nagar, Model Town, Greater Kailash and other areas falling under ward N:55, 56, 57 and 58. He took stock of the development works going on in these areas and listened to the problems of the residents. The people complained Billawaria that most of the roads in their areas are in a dilapidated condition and these is an urgent need for repair of roads in their areas has started and step by steps all roads will be blacktopped. He said that Kavinder Gupta MLA has vowed to make the entire constituency as model one and give a new facelift to all the areas. He said that BJP has undertaken all necessary measures and directed all concerned authorities for immediate blacktopping of roads. He assured the residents that shortly they will see that all roads are blacktopped and lanes and drains constructed in their areas. The matter regarding inadequate supply of water also surfaced which was responded by a telephonic talk with PHE authorities who informed Billawaria that due to untimely lashing of recent rains some technical snag had developed and due to this flaw there was difficulty in proper supply of water in some areas falling under these wards and since the technical snag is being removed, shortly people will witness adequate supply of water. People thanked Billawaria for visiting them and listening to their problems. The other who accompanied Billawaria on his tour included Vinay Gupta, Distt. General secretary BJP Jammu, Mandal President Satwari Harbans Singh, Jyoti Parkash Sharma, D.N Koul , Om Nath, Rakesh Sangral, Vijay Sharma and Balwant Singh Chib.
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