Baldev Singh Billawaria distt president BJP Jammu inaugurated a medical camp at ward N:52, Preet Nagar Jammu which was organized by Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Narayana Hospital , Kakryal , Katra. The team of doctors from SMVD hospital Katra examined more than 200 patients in the camp and advised follow up action to them for diagnosis and distributed medicines. Various tests like blood sugar, Lipid profile and blood pressure were also undertaken in the camp. Speaking on the occasion Billawaria said that it is a matter of great satisfaction that SMVD hospital Katra has decided to organize such type of medical camps outside their own premises to cater to the needs of people in far off places. He attributed this as welfare of people and said that this step would make people health conscious. Billawaria said that SMVD hospital kakryal has very eminent team of doctors who work day in and day out in saving and sustaining human lives. He said that people should take benefit of the expert medical team from SMVD Katra and improve their health conditions. The medical team, he said is likely to organize such camps in other parts of Jammu very shortly which is a great service to mankind. The people of Preet Nagar present in the camp appreciated the endeavors of SMVD hospital Katra and thanked Baldev Singh Billawaria in helping organizing such a medical camp in their area.
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