The Bharatiya Janata Party started a plantation campaign to save the environment. The campaign was led by District President Baldev Singh Balowria, while the General Secertary Vinay Gupta, Mandal President Satwari Harbans Chaudhary, Jyoti Prakash Sharma, Paramjit Singh, Ranjeet Singh and Vijay Sharma were present. During this plantation campaign in Dashmesh Nagar, Balowria requested the same workers and common people who planted the plant to impose at least ten plants in each of their lives to provide clean and neat environment to our future generations. They should take care of them till they grow and grow. Because of the reasons behind the coming of nature’s perpetual disasters, there is a growing pollution and change in the environment. In such a way, people must plant the plants to maintain this change as our children can breathe in clean air in the coming time.
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