J&K BJP SC Morcha led by its State President & MLA, D. K. Manyal held an impressive programme on the “Samvidhan Diwas (Constitution Day)” of India at the party headquarter, Trikuta Nagar in the presence of BJP State General Secretary Harinder Gupta as chief guest on the occasion along with State Secretary Sanjay Baru, Corporation Vice-Chairperson Balbir Ram Rattan and senior leader N. D. Rajwal, by paying floral tributes to the portrait of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Bharat Mata.
Harinder Gupta, while addressing the party leaders and activists, prompted all the party leaders to take a pledge in making the India a great Nation, a truly “Vishav Guru” while taking the Nation to its pristine glory. He said that as the dedicated cadre of the organization, it becomes our prime duty to work for the unification of society by working on principles of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. 26th November is chosen for the spread of great values embedded in our constitution, he added.
D. K. Manyal, while congratulating the fellow Indians on a pious day, said that the Constitution Day of India is being celebrated for the 3rd impressive time in a row after its announcement by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi n 19th November 2015. He said that as the perfect tribute to the great leader, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, who had chaired the drafting committee of the Constituent Assembly and played a pivotal role in the drafting of the Constitution.
Sanjay Baru targeted the opposition parties for always playing the politics over the names of great leaders and said that it is the BJP who has truly recognized the great efforts of Baba Saheb as he does not belong to a particular community, but to all Indians.
Balbir Ram Rattan focussed on the importance of knowledge about Constitution for every citizen. He stressed that Dr. Ambedkar is still remembered today for his intelligence and contribution towards Nation, so we must concentrate towards educating our wards.
N. D. Rajwal prompted all the leaders to follow the footsteps of Dr. Ambedkar and take the path of growth and prosperity.
Similar programmes were held at district levels also by the party leaders.
Morcha State General Secretary, Dharminder Kumar conducted the stage proceedings.
Jagdev Toofani, Faqir Chand, Rakesh Sangral, Raj Kumar, Hardesh Khokhar, Manohar Lal Menia were among the prominent leaders present in the programme.