The BJP created history on Sunday by holding the meetings of District Working Committees in 14 Districts, wherein party senior leaders and office bearers had been deputed to address these meetings and respective District Presidents had convened meetings in their respective districts.
Each meeting started with party’s tradition of lighting of lamp, garlanding the portraits of its ideologues and Bharat Mata, besides reciting of National Anthem/Sangathan Geet.
Lok Sabha MP Jugal Kishore Sharma, alongwith State Secretary Sanjay Baru, Additional Office Secretary Jugal Gupta and District President Ayodhya Gupta, addressed meeting of Jammu West District. He said that the party has a healthy tradition of holding such meetings after at an interval. It not only provides a platform to the functionaries at the district level to meet the seniors in the party but also gives an opportunity to share views on political and organizational activities besides getting updated with the prevailing situation and the functioning of the governments at the centre and state levels.
State General Secretary Ashok Koul, while addressing the meeting of Jammu District along with State Vice-President Rajni Sethi, State Secretary Anuradha Charak, Jammu East MLA Rajesh Gupta and Jammu District President Baldev Singh Billawaria, said that these meetings may also be called as ‘Review Meetings’ in which the working at different levels is discussed and future course of action to further strengthen the organization is discussed and strategy finalized in order to be more associated with the masses and work for the amelioration of their problems.
Similarly, State Vice-President Parmodh Kapahi alongwith State Additional Treasurer Arvind Gupta addressed working committee meeting of Kathua District, State Vice-President Karan Singh and State Working Committee Member Nand Kishore of Jammu Rural District, State General Secretary at Dr. Narinder Singh addressed meeting of Samba District, State General Secretary Pawan Khajuria alongwith State Secretary Anil Parihar addressed meeting of Udhampur District, State Secretary Rajinder Sharma, alongwith MoS Revenue Ajay Nanda addressed meeting of Reasi District, State Secretary Sunil Gupta of Poonch District, Morchas Incharge Munish Shrma addressed meeting of Kishtwar District, Cells Incharge S. Varinderjeet Singh, alongwith State Addl. Office Secretary Rajinder Gupta addressed meeting of Rajouri District, Training Department Incharge Rajiv Charak addressed meeting of Ramban District and State Working Committee Member T.N. Bhat addressed working committee meeting of Kashmir Displaced District.