BJP Mahila Morcha president Purnima Sharma announced the team of Jammu district and also that of Jammu West district in consultation with senior Party leaders. Rekha Mahajan was nominated as president Jammu District while Sangeeta Anand and Meenu Gupta were nominated as general secretaries. Raksha, Shub Lata Sharma, Mansha Bi, Veena Bakshi, Swaran Arora and Vidya Devi were nominated as vice presidents of the district. Neelam, Swaran Kailash Suresh Rani Jamwal, Getanjali and Pushpa Gandotra were nominated as secretaries, Jyoti Gupta as media incharge, Pooja Chawan as social media, Lalita Tapasvi and Anuradha as publicity incharge and cashier respectively. Meanwhile Advocate Ronik Sharma has been nominated as State convenor BJP Sharnarthi Cell by the Party president, Sat Sharma.
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