BJP unit Bhadarwah celebrated poll victory in UP and Utrakhand with great ferver. Organised by Mandal President Ramneek Singh Manhas, a large number of BJP workers braving heavy snow fall gathered in Seri Bazar, Bhadarwah and cracked crackers. They also raised slogans like “Har Har Modi, Ghar Ghar Modi, Bharat mata ki jai and BJP zindabad.” The mandal president Ramneek Manhas, using this opportunity, called upon people of Bhadarwah to learn lesson from U.P and joined hands on patron of “Sab ka Sath, sab ka Vikas.” Others who spoke on the occasion include Rajsingh Kotwal,Rajsingh Charak and Davinder Kotwal. The participants include Raju Charak City President, Puneet Mehta, Jevat Charak, Ashu Razdan, Anandpal Dogra, Sanjay Saraf, Abdul Hafiz, Rakesh Katal, Pawan Manhas, Mahavir Singh, Uttam Sharma, Bhanu Partap, Sansraj, Munish Kumar and others.
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