BJP State President & MLA Sat Sharma inaugurated construction and repair works in the Cremation Ground situated at Bhagwati Nagar, W.No 14 falling under Jammu West constituency in the presence of Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) Officials and local BJP leaders. Sat Sharma, while taking stock of the facilities being provided in the cremation Ground, said […]
BJP Jammu Distt. organised Modi App Camp at Kachi Chawani Jammu, Jun 18: In a function organized at Kachi Chawni, BJP Jammu District Unit of IT & Social Media Department J&K installed awareness camp under the directions and supervision of its State Incharge Jaidev Rajwal to download, promote and aware the public about “Narendera Modi […]
Akhil Bhartya Brashtachar Unmoolan Sangathan, Jammu today honured Baldev Singh Billawaria district President Bhartiya Janta Party , Jammu for his devotion to the cause of elimination of corruption from the Society. At a function organized at Hotel India Pride, Billawaria was profusously garlanded and praised by various speakers including Inderjeet Khajuria, Chairman of Brashtachar Unmoolan […]