On the occasion of the “Balidaan Divas” of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookherjee, BJP leaders paid rich tributes to him in different programmes held at District, Mandal and Booth levels across the state.
In this series, Jammu District BJP organized programme at its Trikuta Nagar Office, wherein State General Secretary (Org.) Ashok Kaul, State Spokesperson Prof. Virender Gupta, District President Baldev Singh Billawaria, District General Secretary Vinay Gupta, Cells Incharge S. Varinderjeet Singh and Mandal Presidents Ankush Gupta and Harban Choudhary garlanded the statue of Dr. Mookherjee and paid their tributes.
Ashok Kaul, while paying tributes, said that the sacrifice of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookherjee for the integrity and sovereignty of the country and for making J&K state integral part of the country constitutes a milestone event in the history of the J&K and the country. His detention for having entered the state without having obtained infamous ‘entry permit’ with tricolor flag in his hand and thereafter his death in jail due in mysterious circumstances. Dr. Mookherjee had a brilliant academic career and joined politics with the sole aim of serving public and the nation. He did not hanker after the power as he resigned from the Nehru’s cabinet on account of differences and became the founder member of Bharatiya Jana Sangh, the precursor of BJP. The movement of nationalist forces in the state to abolish the entry permit system and introduce free hoisting of national tricolor flag was initiated by Dr. Mookherjee and paid the ultimate price of his life for the same. Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookherjee has set an example of total and complete dedication for the strong nation and its integral development. He, after completion of his education, had been appointed as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Calcutta and strove hard for improving the educational system and make it more utilitarian for the students. He was true nationalist who was born and brought up in Bengal, functioned as a Minister in the Union government and became a martyr in the state of J&K.
Prof. Virender Gupta, in his address at Balidaan Divas programme, said that Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookherjee’s sacrifice was the start of the process of the nationalist forces of the state of resisting and struggling against the anti-national and fissiparous forces within and outside the state. This struggle for the strong and integral nation always finds inspiration from the life and the sacrifice of this great son of the country. Prof. Gupta added that the seed sown by him by founding Bharatiya Jana Sangh has grown into the largest political party in the world and is leading the country towards progress and international respectability.
Baldev Singh Billawaria also paid rich tributes to Dr. Mookherjee and said that he was a brilliant scholar and academician and became Vice-Chancellor of University of Calcutta at a very young age. His legacy has become and inspiration for the future generations
S. Varinderjeet Singh said that different developments and positions in the life of Dr. Mookherjee indicate at that the will to struggle finally pays and that he did set the path for the coming generations.
Vinay Gupta conducted the proceedings.
Similar programme was organized by Jammu West District of BJP under District President Ayodhya Gupta at Kachi Chawni office.
BJP State Treasurer Chander Mohan Gupta, District Prabhari Jugal Kishore Gupta and other leaders paid tributes to Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookherjee.