Creative Art Institute opened its institute at 411-C Vinayak Nagar Upper Muthi Jammu to promote Dogra Art Heritage and to teach students. On this day an impressive inaugural function followed by painting exhibition was organized by Organizer Artist Archana Sharma and there was also distribution of gifts among the guests and students. The chief guest on the day was Ch. Lal Singh Honb’le Minister for Forest, Ecology & Environment and the guest of honours were BJP MLC Vikram Randhawa, Ajay Pargal Senior BJP Leader, BJP Districts Presidents were Baldev Billawaria & Omi Khajuria and M.K Wadhera State Awardee Artist. Speaking on the occasion, Ch. Lal Singh appreciated the work done by this institute and stressed that more institute should come forward voluntarily to impart trainings to the children. Singh added that creative art institute is going to develop and propagating the world famous Indian miniature art. Lal singh also added that these type of social and creative activities will benefit for youth and also help youth of the state to contribute to development of the state and leave far away from the drugs. Prominent who present were Adv. Jamwal, Ajay Kumar, Nuram Aktar, Samita Jena, Priyanka Mathur & others.
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