Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh today directed the officers to put in place a well devised mechanism by which people can get requisite power supply especially during summers on account of the additional 100 MW which would be supplied as an additionality, besides also ensuring that power pilferage is checked and revenue collections are increased. Deputy Chief Minister was speaking at a review meeting of Power Development Department (PDD) here today. Minister of State for Haj & Auqaf, Power and Revenue, Syed Farooq Ahmed Andrabi was also present. Commissioner Secretary PDD, Dheeraj Gupta, DCP Power, Chief Engineers and other senior officers were also present in the meeting. Deputy Chief Minister asked the officers to ensure that the schemes meant for augmenting the power infrastructure in the State are completed in a time bound manner by fixing the requisite time lines, so that consumers get the requisite supply of power and also the transmission and distribution losses are checked. “This would go a long way in making remarkable changes in the power sector in the State, besides also ensuring that round the clock supply of power is ensured to consumers”, he maintained. He said, ”regular meetings should be held with the concerned executing agencies so that flagship schemes are completed in time” While asking the officers to ensure that necessary steps are taken for ensuring that consumers get requisite power supply during the hot summer season of Jammu, the Deputy Chief Minister said that officers should synergise their efforts to ensure that people do not face any inconvenience and also called for putting in place a mechanism by which the damage to transformers is reduced and also ensuring their early replacement in case of damages. The Minister of State for Power, Syed Farooq Andrabi called for taking necessary steps to ensure that helpline of PDD is made more proactive so that the people can register their grievances. “This would ensure that the necessary feedback is obtained about the problems confronting a particular area and immediate remedial measures are taken to address them”, he added. Syed Farooq Andrabi also called for extending the timeline of the Amnesty Scheme so that more consumers get benefited from it resulting in increase in the revenue collection. He also said that the power schedule of a particular area should be strictly adhered to, so that people do not face any inconvenience.
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