State BJP president, Sat Sharma (MLA Jammu West), inaugurated a grand Langar at Asa Ram Bapu Ashram, Bhagwati Nagar for the pilgrims of Shri Amarnath ji here today. Besides several BJP leaders and Amarnath yatris, the Phool Kumar Shastri ( Sunderbani Wale) were also present on the occasion. Bhandara is being organised by the devotees of the Ashram under the banner of Satsang Prachar Sewa Mandal Jammu and Kashmir and will continue till the end of the yatra. The pilgrims will be served breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Langar during the yatra period. The arrangements of boarding and lodging for the pilgrims have also been made at the Ashram by the Sewa Mandal.
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