Bereft of any substantial issues, National Conference (NC) is back to its old game of divisive politics, commented Brig Anil Gupta, State Spokesperson of the Party. Recently, the Chief Spokesperson of NC in a statement has accused Bharatiya Janata Party of complete U-turn on J&K. The basis of accusation is non-inclusion of J&K centric peace […]
Salil Arora Son of MLC Ramesh Arora passes away on Monday. The party leaders:- G .M Mir ex- State Vice President ,Dr. Ali Mohd Mir, State Publicity Secretary, Arif Raja protocol Incharge Kashmir, Ashok Bhat District Vice President Srinagar, Ashraf Reshi State Executive Member, Mohd Tahir Mir Office Incharge Kashmir, Manzoor Kulgami Dist. Gen. Secretary Kulgam, District […]
J&K BJP State Spokesperson Prof. Virender Gupta expressed his dismay on the non-implementation of some of the components of the Agenda of Alliance and said that one of the components of Agenda was “to take measure for sustenance and livelihood of the West Pakistan Refugees”. He said that keeping this provision of the agenda in […]