MLA Rajesh Gupta kick starts works amounting to 10 lakh rupees in Jammu east constituency.In Mohalla Afghana work of four different lanes in ward no.10 was started. The work included the laying of tiles and up gradation of drains and other civil works. Rajesh Gupta was accompanied by the leaders of various associations and the officials of the JMC included JE Tangroo and also the BJP leaders Mohan Singh Chouhan, Ramesh Sharma, Raj Kumar Sharma, Girdhari Lal, Kuldeep, Sunny Sehgal, Gopal, Amit, Hari Om,Prof Shyam, Rajinder Gupta, Chaman Lal, Vikram, Rakesh Khanna, Subhash Anand, Romesh, Bal Krishen and Darshan Singh. Rajesh Gupta while speaking on the occasion said that Jammu is playing host to thousands of Amarnath yatris who are stranded in Jammu due to un certain conditions prevailing in the valley. Rajesh Gupta said that we have ensured that all the pilgrims are stationed comfortably with full arrangements of food and other logistic facilities. Rajesh Gupta said that Jammu is being developed on the modern lines and in the days to come mega parking projects are going to come up in the Jammu east constituency that would ease the traffic congestion considerably. Rajesh Gupta said that the leadership and guidance of Deputy CM Dr Nirmal Singh is always available to him and that gives him additional confidence to undertake more and more developmental projects for the welfare of the people of his constituency.
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