Baldev Singh Billawaria district President Bharatiya Janta Party, Jammu met Director Rural Development Department and Ac (Development) this morning and asked them for taking due caution while considering devising new Panchayat. The department of Rural development of Jammu and Kashmir which is Shortly undertaking a bid to form new Panchyats for delimination in Jammu most […]
MLA Jammu east Rajesh Gupta while speaking on the ocassion said that the steps taken by the Modi Govt to introduce digital payments and transactions is a revolutionary step towards the empowerment of the people at the grass root levels.He said that digitization would bring a large segment of the informal economy into the main […]
DySP Devendra Sharma @ Jattu and Head Constable Gurbachan Singh who were Martyred at Billawar in the year 2001 fifteen years ago, were remembered here at the local Gandhi Memorial Park R.S Pura in a well arranged function organized by the Lions Club R.S Pura, in which floral tributes were given by M.L.A R.S […]