Sh. Mahatma Gandhi Ji said : ‘Sanitation is more important than independence’
He made cleanliness and sanitation an integral part of the Gandhian way of living and initiated by the present Prime minister of India. Sh. Narendra Modi Ji on 20 of oct. 2017 Aakaar’s {a NGO} has decided to support Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and created an event under the leadership of Volunteer’s head Akshay Sharma and his volunteers team namely ER. Waseem, Akshay Mahajan, Akhil Abrol, Varun,Sunil,Rishav.
Has started this cleanliness drive from Chowk Chabutra to Panjthirthi further local M.L.A Jammu Sh. Rajesh Gupta Ji has joined the whole team and given his full support along with many local residence.