Smart School Junior preschool, India’s first 100% Digital preschool chain has opened its first branch in Jammu. The preschool chain is promoted by SmartSchool Education Pvt Ltd, a Delhi based education company with backend office in US. Recently, the Inaguration ceremony took place with lot of pomp and show, and attracted many parents. S. Charanjeet Singh Khalsa Hon’ble MLC Jammu & Kashmir ,Guest of honor S. KC Singh Mehta Hon’ble Principal APS Akhnoor School and Tarik Keen State General Secretary Minority Morcha BJP J&K,graced the occasion and appreciated the SmartSchool management for bringing in much needed innovation in the education field. The school will have complete digital content mapped as per the preschool syllabus, which will be supported by various preschool tools for better and engaging learning. The Master Franchisee owned by Mr. Amit Pal Singh and branch will be managed by Dr. Rameet Kaur and Ms. Ramandeep Kaur. “We are delighted to have SmartSchool Junior in Jammu, I hope parents will be immensely benefitted by this new concept preschool”- said one parent.
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