In the ongoing assembly session today BJP Senior leader and MLC Vibodh Gupta raised various important issues in the upper house. He used all the opportunities during Question Hour, Zero Hour and Calling Attention Motion. He very strongly raised the concern that there should be the fresh registration for all the migrants of Jammu region. This he said will help in better understanding the scale of problem and will help in early redressal of the various genuine demands of the migrants of Jammu region. During the calling attention motion of the legislative council Vibod raised an important issue with respect to the basic facilities for the lawyers of Rajouri. He said that there is no proper working atmosphere for the lawyers of Rajouri and demanded that working Chambers should be constructed for the lawyers in the Rajouri court complex so that this community can properly discharge their duties. Latter during the day Vibodh raised the issue related to the Auqaf properties in Jammu region. He said that in Jammu region there are many properties of Waqaf Board and these properties should not be allotted to the people on the basis of religion. He proposed that Auqaf properties should be allotted to citizens of Jammu irrespective of the religion and this will also help in creating a good communal harmony atmosphere. This will also help in creating more job opportunities for the youth of Jammu region. Vibodh also raised another very important issue related to the damaged school building of the old Government Girls Higher Secondary School Rajouri. He very strongly informed the house that at present the building of this school is in a very bad shape and this can also cause a accident in the near future. He said that in this damaged school there is a huge risk to the life of students and teachers. He called for immediate repair of this damaged building so that students can get a secure atmosphere. Calling the attention of house towards these vital issues Vibodh hoped that these will get the attention of the concerned ministries of the Government on priority.
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