One day conference of weavers of Artisans was held at Om Palace Rajpura|ShaktiNagar this conference was organised weavers and artisans cell BJP the conference was 1st of its kind in Jammu it was in ograted with the recitation of vanday matram.Sh Vijay Barti All india Convener weavers and artisans cell BJP was the chief guest and Sh Ashokji koul was the gust of honor . Senior BJP leaders Sh Sat Sharma in charge all the cells BJP and senior leader (Adovcate) Sh Chander Mohan Sharma also attended the conference besides some NGO’S HAVING Concern and co operative moment activist along with weavers and artisans participated in the conference. Retu Raj put running NGO spoke on the occasion and brought to light difficulties artisans and weavers in producing their products and subsequent marketing faculties .He said a training program art making was need of the hour as people who want adopt this profession are not skilled enough to continue with making of art products. Artisans and weavers are weaker and down trodden section of our comnity they need economic help , aid and incentive to crate and make creations there is defsecy of awareness programs that would have brought schemes and programs of govetment of india before artisans and weavers there is corption and nepotism prevalent in the departments that deal with schemes that bet3er departments to give fear deal to the schemes ment for artisans and weavers these were words stated by Sh Vijay Barti in his speech to the artisans and weavers that had gathered . Artisans and weavers had come for of places as for as Bilawer and Udumpur Sh Remesh Chander a coprative moments activtiest in his speaswh said copratives of artisans and weavers are defang due to want of financial aid of that would have rejunuvatad the coprative movment in the Kathwa region.The concerned departments are averce to discharge duties in relation to procession of the cases of artisans and weavers.Files are kept pending for years without action artisans and weavers become fed up resulting many renounce their encester profation this situation killes the skill and the artiest this situation has made many skills to go. This way the Jammu will lose art and Hertage. Need was empesiced to protuct the itrests of weavers and artisans who in turn sonserve skill of master of crafts man who have made nicest Handi craft and Handlooms Balkrishen koul Convener weavers and artisans thanked the chief gust of honour and weavers and artisans who were presented a revlation which was passed by one and all. Sh Satsharma incharge all the cells BJP said recalled deolorable kindition of weavers who after in vesting there for hard earned maney that is wasted for want of financial assistance to run small enterprise Sh chander mohan said art and craft are valuable asets of a socity.They keep tradtion of past alive artisans and weavers must be aware of their surroundings that fancies new desines in styles the concluding speeches was given by Ashok ji koul organizing Genral secatery and aloberated how the coprative moments that spread befitted Mharashtra And Gugrat states .