Minister for Health & Medical Education, Bali Bhagat launched development work of bathing ghat worth Rs. 3 lakh under MLA’s CDF scheme at village Pandorian in Bhalwal Block of Raipur Domana and also sanctioned a protection wall for Cremation Ground at Panchayat Rajpora in Marh block to be constructed at an estimated cost of Rs. 7.50 lakh . Besides, the Minister also distributed cheques worth Rs. 5.76 lakh among 48 beneficiaries under Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) for construction of toilet units. Addressing a sizeable gathering of locals, the Minister said that the present BJP-PDP Government has only a one point agenda, that is the all round development of all three regions of the State without any kind of discrimination. He said the BJP had made several promises of development with the people before the election and all these will be implemented on ground in a phased manner. He said the Government has identified the priority areas and would pay a focused attention to address these. The Minister said that the Government during its previous 10-month stint had done a spade work and formulated a comprehensive programme to upgrade the basic services like drinking water, road network, health sector, electricity and these sectors will receive the utmost attention and people will get the improved services soon. He said the tender process for upgradation of all internal roads in the Raipur-Domana constituency has been completed and work for their black-topping is underway and completed in a shortest possible time. Urging the people to become partner in the development process, the Minister said that people must come forward and monitor the activities on ground so that the quality assets could be ensured. Regarding the supply of drinking water during the scorching months in the Kandi belt, the Minister directed the engineers to formulate a well thought out strategy to meet the additional requirement. He directed for pressing adequate number of water tankers in the vulnerable areas to meet the demand.
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