Last flare of Communism: Sh. Sat Sharma
State BJP, taking serious note of political and social killings going on unabated in the State of Kerala and the flagrant indifference of Kerala Government towards lawless situation prevailing over there, resulting into incessant ruthless killings of many political and social activists having affiliation to various Nationalist organizations, conducted meeting chaired by its State President & MLA, Sat Sharma along with State General Secretaries Dr. Narinder Singh, Pawan Khajuria and Harinder Gupta in premises of its State Headquarter, Trikuta Nagar. Meeting was attended by District Prabharis, District Presidents, District General Secretaries, Mandal Presidents and other senior leaders.
Discussions were made regarding alarming situation of Kerala state, due to anarchistic situation made by goons supported by ruling political party. It was noticed that dictatorial and tyrannical attitude adopted by Left Wing think tank is a deliberate attempt to curb any other political or social thought process existing in the State by whatever killer manoeuvres they can unleash.
Sat Sharma, while addressing the meeting, recalled the events of Amarnath Yatra Andolan and other events in troubled torn history of the State of Jammu & Kashmir and said that every single State of India has always stood for people of J&K proving quanta of love, affection and feeling of oneness among the residents of whole country. He said that now when Kerala is burning due to autocratic attitude adopted by present government over there, it has become moral responsibility of conscientious citizens from J&K State as well, to show their solidarity with them. He said that this is the last flare of Communism in world so they are worried for their continuous narrowing and shrinking base, that’s why they have resorted to meanest and cheapest way to kill anyone who is having any thought different than theirs.
Dr. Narinder Singh said that killing of activists from other affiliations is lowest level of degradation in democratic world unfettered by Communists with well planned measure to terrorize common population.
Pawan Khajuria informed that a protest foot march will be taken out in Jammu city on 5th of October at 10:30 a.m., from Kachi Chawni to Press Club, in which leaders and activists from various districts will participate.
State Vice-Presidents Karan Singh, Yudhvir Sethi, Bharat Bhushan & Rajni Sethi, MLAs Sukhnandan Choudhary, Dr. Krishan Bhagat & Rajiv Sharma, Sanjay Baru, Anuradha Charak, Suraj Singh, Jugal Gupta, Rakesh Mahajan, Suresh Sharma, Praduman Singh, Arvind Gupta, Veenu Khanna, Sanjita Dogra, Baldev Singh Billawaria, Omi Khajuria, Brijeshwar Rana, Mohan Singh Rana were among the other prominent leaders present in the meeting.