Today a impressive function was organised by BJYM District Anantnaag to felicitate newly appointed BJYM State President Dr.Suresh Ajay Magotra in which MLC sofi yousaf was present along with district President BJP Mohammed Rafeeq Wani .
Addressing the gathering Sofi Yousuf said that youth is back bone of our party and bjp is the only party where youth can work comfortably as compared to other parties .He further said that karyakartas of BJP are working day and night to strengthen the party at grass root level in Kashmir.Coalition Govt. in state is very much concerned about the issues pertaining to the masses as development is our only agenda across the state which we will prove in our regime.He also congratulated the newly appointed BJYM president .
Dr.Suresh Ajay Magotra while addressing in Programme said that BJP at centre and state is very much clear to work for people of state as successive govt.s in state is responsible for present turmoil in state as people was far from actual development .He further said that youth of Kashmir have to take this responsibility to make this land peaceful by participating in social building which will only be possible when they make BJP strong, Magotra further informed that in the coming days District units of BJYM will be constituted for smooth functioning of the party. BJYM will be visible in good strength at every booth in days to come he maintained.
District President Anantnag Mohd.Rafeeq Wani congratulated newly appointed president of BJYM and maintained that youth had seen ups and down in past time but they are having expectations from BJP .He added youth is responsibility of govt. And our party is working for their welfare in state and country under the leadership of Narendra Modi.He assured his full support to youth of Anantnag.
Others who spoke on the occasion includes State vice president BJYM Er.Aijaz, Bilal parray state secy., State President of Muslim morcha , General secy . Anantnaag Ashiq Hussain Dar, Tawheed Bajaj , Dr.Amin