BJP State Spokesperson Prof. Virender Gupta strongly criticized the statement of Dr. Farooq Abdullah for his repeated anti-national statements while siding with Pakistan and separatists. He said that statements degrade his stature and do not behoove to a person who remained four times Chief Minister of the State, Cabinet Minister at the Centre and at present a Member of Parliament. He added that after opposing the 1994 unanimous resolution of Parliament which stated that POJK is an integral part of Indian Union and vowed to get it vacated from Pakistan occupation, he needs to resign from Indian Parliament on the moral grounds. The Spokesperson reminded Farooq Abdullah that whole of Jammu and Kashmir state, including POJK, Gilgit, and Baltistan, got acceded to India when Maharaja of the State signed the Instrument of Accession in favor of Indian Union. PoJK was forcibly occupied by Pakistan and had the Indian forces not landed in J&K whole of Jammu & Kashmir including Kashmir Valley would have become part of Pakistan and Farooq Abdullah could well imagine has to fate in that scenario.
Prof. Virender asked Farooq Abdullah to go through the pages of the history of that time and also glance at the Jammu and Kashmir constitution, whole of Jammu and Kashmir existing before 1947 mentioned as part of J&K state that acceded to India and wherein it is stated that the state is and shall remain an integral part of India. He said that Farooq Abdullah number of times have taken the oath of the J&K constitution and also that of Indian Constitution and as such questioned him that how can he betray his own commitments those he made while taking that oath.
The Spokesperson said that by not uttering a single word against Pakistan, not asking it to stop importing terrorism in the valley and stop violation of LOC and bombardment from across the borders, Farooq Abdullah has become a person of doubtful loyalty towards the state and towards the Indian Union. He asked Farooq not to confuse the masses of the state and yourself while making statements which are self-contradictory. He reminded Farooq Abdullah of his statements asking India to invade and finish Pakistan, deal terrorists with iron hands and recently supporting terrorists and stone pelters and expressing his desire to join them. He asked Farooq Abdullah which of his statements should be believed.