MLA RS Pura & Political Advisor to State BJP President Dr.Gagan Bhagat started various developmental works in the RS Pura Constituency. At village Jindlehar 250 K.V.A transformer was inaugurated in the presence of several villagers ,and party activist, and Macadamizing of Main road to Village Jindlehar was started at an estimated cost of Rs.10 Lakhs which was being completed by the P.W.D department, speaking on the occasion Dr.Gagan Bhagat said that these two important demands were made by the local inhabitants of the village to him during the time of elections and he is very happy that he has fulfilled his promise , as it was very genuine demands especially the link road which was incomplete for the last fifteen years, and was ignored by the previous Congress govt. The locals lauded the efforts of the legislator and praised the speed of the developmental works in the R.S Pura Constituency, “ we all are surprised that the works which were considered as a distant dream ,we lost every hope and to see those works started by the M.L.A ,we appreciate the Modi government for thinking about a common man.Later on Dr.Gagan Bhagat also inaugurated lane and drain at Village Kothi , which he had promised last year in a public function ,the said developmental work was the oldest demand of the villagers and amount of Rs.8 Lakhs will be spent on it, while addressing a gathering at the Mandir Chowk he announced that one Mark-II ,Deep bore handpump will be installed soon, as the village has no source for pure drinking water, and he also said that the cremation ground of the village in which there is no shed and the villagers face a tough time when some death occurs in the village will also be constructed soon in the coming days as he has directed the concerned officials to do the needful at the earliest. At Simbal Camp ,near Tekri two developmental works were started by Dr.Gagan Bhagat , the first one was R.B.M filling and construction of drain at an estimated cost of Rs.5 lakhs and secondly he inaugurated a Lane and Drain at Makhanpur Gujran village of Simbal camp at an estimated cost of Rs. 4 lakhs which was the main demand of the local residents of the village.After the inauguration of the developmental works Dr.Gagan Bhagat attended a public meeting in which several problems faced by the residents were put forward, they told the legislator that one large drainage channel was completely filled with garbage and the desilting has not been done for the past several years, due to which there is waterlogging in the area during the rains , and there is every possible risk of water borne diseases transmission in the locality, and some of the people complained regarding irregularities in the P.D.S (Ration Supply) of the area and several local issues regarding installation of street lights , blacktopping of roads, financial assistance through the social welfare department, while addressing the gathering Dr.Gagan Bhagat said that according to him the main problem of the Simbal Camp is the “Drug Abuse” and he is very much concerned about that and the police-public meeting which was organized last week was held on his directions, he has also taken up the matter with the administration and police department, since there is lot of contribution needed from the public in particular and in this regard the people should forward on one platform shunning the party politics to fight with the drugs menace On the occasion R.S Pura Mandal Pradhan Natharam,Charanjeet, Omparkash Sharma,Hardev Singh,Inder Sudan, Panch Pappu Singh,Kartar Chand,Harbans Lal,Charan Dass, Rashpaul ,Sarpanch Paramjeet Singh, Ashok Salaria, Sarpanch Somi,Panch Keemat Lal,Rajesh Babbu,Joginder Kumar,Panch Rampyara and others were present.
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