M.L.A from R.S Pura Constituency Dr.Gagan Bhagat toured Villages Chohala and Dravtey and interacted with the villagers, who apprised the legislator about some developmental works which were very important for the village. While touring the Village Chohala he also assessed the functioning of Agricultural Department under which “Basmati Village Project” have been started in the R.S Pura Constituency, he also inaugurated one 250 KV & one 400 KV Distribution Transformer at Village Chohala, along with several spans of conductor were also replaced, the locals thanked Dr. Gagan Bhagat and also lauded his efforts for the constant development of the neglected areas in R.S Pura, the conductors have been replaced after thirty years and after ten years new transformers have been installed in our village said Bodh Raj, a local resident and retired Govt. employee.Dr. Gagan Bhagat further announced that a small link road will be soon macadamized from Main road to onwards at village Chohala. He requested the local inhabitants to start the use of L.E.D bulb in place incandescent bulbs and avoid using electric heaters for cooking purposes, because only administration or govt. can’t bring a change it is for the society to create a positive atmosphere and every citizen should perform his duty. The locals thanked Dr. Gagan Bhagat for all round development of the village and requested that a Community Bathroom for females must be constructed in the village, Dr. Gagan immediately directed the B.D.O R.S Pura to complete the said demand on minimum possible time, since it is very genuine demand it should be and will be completed within twenty working days, he assured the villagers. The Legislator further directed the REW to gear up their men and machinery in completing the entire project within stipulated time frame. While attacking on the opposition parties he said that these people has only one thing left that is they can scream and raise hue and cry ,the reality is that these parties like Congress , and N.C who have ruled the state for more than sixty years are the traitors and sole responsible for the plight of the people , he further added that people can judge themselves that the long pending works which were ignored are being done by the BJP govt. in the state and BJP led govt. at the centre, and people should identify these people and now they are trying to once again fool the people, but now the people and youth in particular will expose these parties. S.H.O R.S Pura ,B.D.O R.S Pura ,A.E.E, A.E, J.E (R.E.W), concerned officers, BJP Mandal Pradhan R.S Pura Natharam, Chotu Choudhary,and local public were also present on the occasion.
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