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Farooq’s Recent Statements Encouraging Militants Shameful: Vibodh

BJP launches Massive Jan Sampark Yatra in Various Remote Areas of Rajouri

In order to highlight the achievements of the present center and state Governments, BJP Rajouri unit has launched a Massive Jan Sampark Yatra. This yatra is being organized in various remote and far off villages of Rajouri. Another important purpose of this yatra is to educate the rural masses specially the farming community about the new initiatives of the Government like the Fasal Bima Yojana launched recently by Hon’ble Prime Minister Narinder Modi. This yatra in various areas of Rajouri is being led by a group of senior party leaders from Rajouri. Addressing the gatherings at Ghambir Brahamana, Thandi Kassi, Karian and Dassal BJP senior leader and MLC Vibodh Gupta came down heavily on the National Conference Patron Farooq Abdullah for his recent statements wherein he has encourage the youth involved in various militant activities in the state. He said that opportunistic people like Farooq Abdullah have no other motive except for exploiting the young people for their political gains. At present there is massive development wave in the state and leaders like Dr. Farooq Abdullah are unable to digest this. Such people are always looking for a opportunity wherein they can fish in the trouble waters. He further added that way the NC leader is exploiting the youth through his provocative statements is to get support from the anti national elements for the forthcoming parliamentary by polls in Kashmir.

BJP senior leader Choudhary Talib Hussain also addressed the gatherings and criticized the opposition parties for their negative approach. He said that people must see the present developmental works on the ground and they themselves can feel the change. He highlighted various schemes of the Government especially for the farmers and for the rural youth. He further added that these schemes have the potential to transform the economy of various villages and at the same time have created many employment opportunities for the youth. These rallies were also addressed by BJP district President Dinesh Sharma wherein he called upon the farmers and rural youth to become part of the various developmental schemes launched by the Government. He further added that these schemes have been designed in such a way so that poor of the poorest can get direct benefit from such schemes. Rajinder Gupta former Chairman of Rajouri municipality also joined other leaders and addressed massive gatherings at various areas of Rajouri. In his address he called upon the educated unemployed youth to learn more and more about various schemes of the present Government which are being implemented to address the unemployment issue in the rural areas. By becoming part of these schemes the youth instead of looking for jobs can create jobs. The youth friendly and progressive schemes of the Government will help the youth to realize their dreams as present time is the time of high opportunities. Prominent among others who were part of this Jan Sampark Yatra included Bharat Bhusahn Vaid, Kamal Bakshi, Tabib Mir, Sanjay Dutt, Asif Hussain, Bodh Raj, Makhan Lal, Mohd. Azim, Kewal Sharma nad Sanjay Gupta.