1 question regarding distribution of ration was, and policy of giving ration after three months was challenged on the ground that Atta will be spoiled and ration supplied in 2 to 3 days was not of good quality hon’ble min CAPD Zulfkar Ali assured that concern of the member Ramesh arora will be taken care of and will instruct the director to enquire into the complaints of bad quality of Atta.
Amendment to the Srinagar and Jammu cluster universities was sought by Ramesh Arora
1 that section 15 says in sub section 3 that register will also control inferior staff Arora said inferior is a bad word it should have been subordinate staff Naeem Akhtar while replying has admitted this fact but said that amendment may cause delay and question mark on the reputation of the govt
The other point was about substituting word governor in place of Chief Minister in section 3 and Arora said that autonomous institution will be interfered by Government
3 Arora raised regarding check on delegation of powers of vice chancellor.
On the insurance of leader of the house that they will bring appropriate amendment Arora withdrew the amendments
Call attention motion regarding converting wild life sanctuary at wazir point into two artificial parks was challenged concerned Minister Lal Singh replied that no such change was made but if any he will take action against the concern on this assurance and also vice chairman directed Lal Singh that reply is not proper and the member is rightly concern look into the matter personally
Arora produced downloaded photo from website American parents where by children’s of Kashmir was having artificial AK 47 and other weapons in their hands me
Arora further suggested that throughout cutting videos of ISIS and Afghanistan terrorist should be stopped and action be taken against such websites Naeem Akhtar min for education agreed to it in his reply cont page 6.