In the celebration of 71st Independence Day of the country, BJP organized a program in Digiana, in which Baldev Singh Balowria was the chief guest. While addressing the people on this occasion, Balowria said that even though 71 years of independence from the British dictators have passed, but in the true sense, the country is being liberated from economic slavery and all this is the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is amazing today. The country is being digitized and the economic development of the people of the country is being evoked by continuous black money coming out. For the public, the government has come up with such schemes that if these schemes go to the right hands, then even a single family in the country will not be poor. Therefore, the country has understood the meaning of freedom today. He said that we bow down to the martyrs who sacrificed everything in the country to liberate the country from the chains of slavery, but after independence, some black sheep of the country completely hid the country from within, called gold birds India continued to be financially vulnerable, but today Prime Minister Narendra Modi is playing a special role in making economic development of the country again.
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