Claiming that national Confrence Ditched the people of Tral and used them as vote bank so far,said Constituency Incharge BJP Tral Manzoor Ahmad Ganie today while his day long visit to wazul kulnad far flung area of Tral which is without electricity till now. While addressing people of wazul kulnad Manzoor Ahmad Ganai assured them that he will take up the matter with party high command particularly with Power Minister ShriNirmal Singh.”Our government is committed to provide basic facilities to people on door step” said Manzoor Ahmad Ganie
He also thanked party Organization General Secretary Shri Ashok Koul & party Media Incharge Kashmir Altaf Thakur for their concern of Development of Tral constituency. He assured people of wazul kulnad that their dream of electricity will come within one month. It is pertinent to mention here that Wazul kulnad a hamlet of Tral area is still lacking basic facilities and people complained about the failure of PDP MLA as well.