Demands review of backward areas, cite injustice in job quota
A delegation of Open Backward Category today met BJP State Gen. Sec. and Kashmir affairs incharge Dr Narinder Singh in Srinagar here and put forth a series of demands before him that include rise in the job quota stating that they are being neglected on all fronts.
The delegation was headed by Sajad Hussain Kumar, OBC Association Sajad Hussain, who briefed Dr Singh about their demands and stated that they are having just two per cent reservation in the jobs which is sheer injustice with them. The delegation demanded while as there is 17 per cent job quota for the category they belong to but in J&K they hardly get job reservation and are suffering despite having high qualifications.
The delegation said that while as backward areas have a due job reservation but their quota is being adjusted in forward areas leaving the deserving aspirations frustrated. The delegation comprising Sher Gujar category said that they should be prioritized in various government departments as it is their due to get jobs under the reservation quota.
The delegation said the previous government ignored them and gave them only hollow assurances. The delegation also urged Dr Singh to urge the government for a fresh review of the areas to be declared backward stating that there seems to be injustice in the previous review as many areas which are still backward are being neglected by the government in Kashmir.
Dr Singh gave a patient hearing to the delegation and assured them that all the demands put forth by them will be presented before the government and immediate redressal will be ensured.