On Saturday, during the question hour in Assembly, BJP MLA from Nowshera Ravinder Raina raised the Power related issues in Assembly and demanded the immediate redressal of the Power related problems being faced by the people of Nowshera & Sunderbani. Highlighting the issues such as Completion of 132/33 KVA grid Station at Siot, Raina said during the last assembly session, the Power Minister Who himself visited the site twice, assured the early start of this project but no concrete steps taken in this regard. He further demanded the upgradation of 6.3 MVA receiving Stations at Sunderbani Town and Nowshera Town where people are suffering by virtue of Low Voltage. Raina also said that there is long pending demand for the establishment of a “Electric Transformers Workshop” in Nowshera-Sunderbani area and during the last DDB’s meeting it was decided to establish a Transformers Workshop but till date nothing is done.He asked the deputy Chief Minister to release Rs 1 Crore each for Nowshera & 1 Crore for Sunderbani for electric poles as the areas need very large number of electric poles as after 1992 no electric poles are given to needy ones.Replying to the questions raised by Ravinder Raina, deputy Chief Minister Dr. Nirmal Singh said the work on the grid Station at Siot will be started soon after the pre check report by Director finance and assuredthat he is personally monitering this project, he further assured the MLA that both the 6.3MVA receiving Stations each for Nowshera & Sunderbani Towns will be upgraded soon. On the issue of Electric Transformers Workshop at Nowshera / Sunderbani, Dr Nirmal Singh said proposal regarding establishment of Workshop in Nowshera Constituency is under process & he asked the Commissioner Secretary PDD to expidite the process. Later Raina thanked Deputy Minister for his kind heart for Nowshera & Sunderbani.
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