Sh. Balbir Ram Rattan, Vice-Chairperson, Jammu & Kashmir SCs, STs, BCs, Development Corporation Limited, conducted surprise visit of the small income generating units running in Jammu city on loans availed from the Corporation.
Accompanied by Corporation Divisional Manager, Sh. Gulam Qadir Khatana, District Manager Sh. Joginder Paul Atri and Field Supervisor Sh. Jitender Singh, the Vice-Chairperson paid a visit to the upper Gumat area of Jammu city, wherein the team inspected a Shoe Making Shop run by Dev Raj, an unemployed Scheduled Caste youth and another unit of Mobile Accessories set up by Ramesh Kumar, an unemployed youth belonging to Backward Class community.
Expressing satisfaction over the successful running up of both the units, Sh. Balbir Ram Rattan, stressed upon these beneficiaries to be regular in depositing monthly installments of the financial assistance taken as loan from the SCs, STs, BCs Development Corporation Limited and also educate other unemployed youth around them about welfare schemes meant for their economic upliftment.
Divisional Manager, Sh. Gulam Qadir Khatana, while interacting with the loanees, said that although they have set up earning units however more efforts need to be put in so that more and more is earned. District Manager, Joginder Paul Atri, on this occasion, briefed about the loan amount availed by these entrepreneurs and the schemes under which the Corporation has sanctioned financial assistance in their favor.